sammy said:
I thought I submitted a review for Monarch Grand Cancun Resort in Las Vegas back in April. I don't see it. My mind does seem to be going of late, but I could swear I actually saw it in the reviews as well. Could it be somewhere and I just don't see it? Could it have been deleted? I felt there was not much current info and felt upated info was needed....should I resubmit (my memory won't be quite as fresh now, 6 months later)?
There are two reviews posted from May 2005. If yours is not one of them, then there is no place else it could be. If you have additional information not covered in the existing recent reviews, then by all means resubmit - it would be the first review for this resort entered via the new review system.
If you submitted in April, it could have fallen through the cracks as that was just about the time we were transitioning between review managers for US West. Check with Bill Rogers,, who keeps copies of all reviews submitted. It might save you some rewrite time.