I'd agree with concern over a gap year with nothing to do. I'd advocate a modified "forward motion plan" with online college (it can be anywhere in the US) or a community college. Many colleges allow one to take classes without being admitted if they are not seeking a degree there. I'd look for classes that have been designed for online students (look at past schedules from 2019, 2018, pre-Covid 19) that are likely to be better than on the fly converted to online ones.
I'll venture that colleges the following year will be very lenient on transfer credits due to Covid 19. I'd probably talk with my chosen freshman college 1st and ask if I can pay my deposit, defer admission until the following year, with the agreement that I can transfer X credits from online U or CC. I'd bet a number of colleges might agree to that deal. (for ex, in VA, JMU allows up to 9 credits for gap year deferral, GMU doesn't allow any--but I think that might be negotiated now).
If DD's current $$$ college is online for fall, I'm going to try to negotiate taking 9 credits (Jr level classes not offered at CC) there and 1 class at CC. Paying for 9 is not full time and cuts tuition by thousands of dollars. They can't close her dorms and have in person as it's in a small town and 75% live in dorms. DS's college tuition is about 2.5X that of CC, so I'd be OK for him to do online at state U.