Hello guys and thank you for the hours of great reading and advice! You all are awesome, friendly and wise. This is my first post and hopefully not my last as I purchased my first time share recently. I am now one of you! hehehe
I purchased (resale of course) a TS that was listed as floating. About two weeks later, after paying for it and signing paperwork, they called me today and told me that the resort made a mistake and it was indeed a fixed week (a terrible one at that) and NOT floating as was advertised and on the contract.
Last week and before this incident occurred, I bought a fixed holiday weekend (again resale...thanks to your advice) for the same resort thinking that I can host yearly family reunions there (my first born turned one today and my wife is pregnant and I hope to start a family tradition!). They were purchased from the same company. That week they are telling me is verified as good.
So I paid for two TSs. One went sour and the other one is supposedly good.
It is a company that people here have had positive experiences with according to the forums. I will not disclose their name because I still have faith that they will resolve the situation to my satisfaction.
I told them that they have until Friday to resolve this matter. I didn't make any threats and handled it very professionally but will take this through the proper channels if this doesn't get resolved.
What other advice do you have regarding how they should resolve this matter? I have two days to see what they have to say.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I purchased (resale of course) a TS that was listed as floating. About two weeks later, after paying for it and signing paperwork, they called me today and told me that the resort made a mistake and it was indeed a fixed week (a terrible one at that) and NOT floating as was advertised and on the contract.
Last week and before this incident occurred, I bought a fixed holiday weekend (again resale...thanks to your advice) for the same resort thinking that I can host yearly family reunions there (my first born turned one today and my wife is pregnant and I hope to start a family tradition!). They were purchased from the same company. That week they are telling me is verified as good.
So I paid for two TSs. One went sour and the other one is supposedly good.
It is a company that people here have had positive experiences with according to the forums. I will not disclose their name because I still have faith that they will resolve the situation to my satisfaction.
I told them that they have until Friday to resolve this matter. I didn't make any threats and handled it very professionally but will take this through the proper channels if this doesn't get resolved.
What other advice do you have regarding how they should resolve this matter? I have two days to see what they have to say.
Thanks in advance for your help!