What is the conversion rate of using HGVC points to book Hilton Hotel? If you are gold member, do you get any upgrade if room available? Do you get free breakfast at Hilton Toyko for being a gold member?
If you convert current year points, the conversion is 1 to 20. Gold is eligible for upgrades and breakfast.
Here is the full text from the 2015 rules document for conversion.
Convert to HHonors. On or before December 31 of the current year, Members may convert any or all of the following year’s ClubPoints into Hilton HHonors points at the current applicable conversion rate. Deposited, Rescued and Borrowed
ClubPoints may not be converted to HHonors points. For 2015, the standard conversion value of ClubPoints or Bonus Points to Hilton HHonors points is 1 to 25 (for example, 5,000 ClubPoints or Bonus Points = 125,000 HHonors points). Bonus Points must be converted to Hilton HHonors points prior to their expiration. Once converted, the transaction is final and HHonors points may not be converted back to ClubPoints or Bonus Points. Increased conversion rates may be offered in connection with special promotions from time to time.
Additionally, owners at select resorts may receive an increased conversion rate when converting the entire allotment of ClubPoints attributable to the following year’s Home Week. At West 57th Street by Hilton Club, this increased conversion rate is: 1 to 30 for penthouse units, 1 to 40 for one bedroom and studio premier units, and 1 to 50 for studio plus units. At the Grand Waikikian by Hilton Grand Vacations Club and Grand Islander by Hilton Grand Vacations Club, this increased conversion rate is 1 to 50 for penthouse units. Conversions for less than the entire allotment may be made at the standard rate of 1 to 25.
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