The sad, unvarnished truth is that no one will buy a TS with an outstanding loan. Bluegreen won't take your name off the loan. They will tell you the same as I will. You had several days after you signed that contract to rescind- as in put affairs back to before you bought- and you didn't take advantage of the time the state made sure you had that right. I'll bet you even initialed that you read and understood your rights.
You saw value in this purchase and signed the contract. Nothing has changed. We have all made decisions that perhaps later we would have done differently. As a young man, I married too young, enlisted in the U.S. Army, and went to war. I hope your decision will not cause lifelong consequences like mine did.
At this stage, I will advise you that the best way out is to buckle down, work more hours or get a second job, and pay off the loan that you took out. After that's done, you can sell the BG week, or use it as you envisioned for great vacations.
I wish you well!