On Hilton Head cars have the right of way but if you are at a light there are little problems, the issue I see the most is inside Sea Pines. There are not lights, street or night-time ones, there are stop signs as a biker you are to stop but no one ever does. In the off season like now not much problem. In the summer that is whole another story as the local don't stop, the non-locals sometimes do. The non-local bikers don't know the rules even though every bike rental place warns them and provides documents with the trails. As for passes you can get a car pass if an owner calls one in which those can be picked up outside the main gate. You can pay for a car pass, even with bikes on top, at either beach or main gate. Bike passes are only given by MGO and the inside resorts. There is a key pad chain link fence at beach gate preventing you. The guards will ask you to see the pass or see if you know the code which changes about once a week. You may ask how do I know? I own at MGO and I own a home in sea pines near the beach gate. Enjoy my favorite place on earth and hopeful to retire there walking the beaches and biking!