I've got lots of stories
This is really funny; earlier today or yesterday for some reason a thread like this popped into my head while I was in the car (NOT, I assure, you, on TUG) and I started thinking of mine. I have quite a few.
In 1971 DH and I were in Florence, staring up at Michelangelo's David, which remains one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. You have to see the actual sculpture to get the full impression of its enormity. Anyway, DH recognized Robert Wagner, who was the star of "It Takes A Thief," a TV series about how he would steal the seemingly un-stealable. DH sidled over to Wagner and said, "I hope you're not planning to steal it!" I thought that was so clever of DH, but Wagner just said Hmmmph and walked away.
DH's father knows a lot of artists and various celebrities who are active in political causes, so one night we went to a party at Harry Bellafonte's apt in NYC (really!), Sydney Poitier accompanied us up in the elevator (!), and later in the evening a short somewhat rotund man came up to me and introduced himself to me (you need an Austrian accent here): "Hello, my name iz Preminger. Vat's yours?" I babbled something. We have souvenir napkins and matchbooks from Harry's and Julie's bar.
DH's cousin (close enough to be a brother) is an actor, and used to have a serious relationship with Bette Midler. We've seen him in some films and the occasional TV show.
DH's father worked with Salvador Dali and hosted Dali many times in NYC; we didn't meet him ourselves, but heard lots of stories that we probably shouldn't print. Through DH's Dad, we also have one degree of separation from Pucci, Chagall, Henry Moore, Picasso, Calder, and others, and we have shared several Thanksgiving dinners at DH's Dad's house with Will and Elena Barnet and other well known contemporary artists. Just last weekend we were at a dinner with Will Barnet (now 100!) and Elena.
DH's step-brother was the official photographer for the Rolling Stones' tour in the 70s. One degree. Also for lots of other rock stars.
And directly, ZZ Top. This is a funny story - DH and I were at a hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, and I walked outside and across the street to pick up pizza. Approaching me on the sidewalk was the scruffiest guy - long long grey beard, disreputable sportcoat, etc. Obviously some kind of bum. He didn't move away to make room for me on the sidewalk, but I wasn't about to get close, so I stepped off the curb and walked around him. Got back with pizza and told DH about the bum outside.....and he told me who was headlining at whatever hotel it was.
Oh yeah, one day as we were crossing the street in NYC, Danny DeVito was crossing the other way and walking toward us. We smiled, and he did too, and said "How ya doin'?"
We had a taxi driver who was one of the original Teenagers with Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - Palisades Park and so forth. We had an enjoyable talk with him and he gave us some of his cards; the remaining "teenagers" were still trying to get gigs.
Another time there was Charleston Heston standing on the same NYC street corner that I was on. He didn't say anything, neither tablets nor guns appeared in his hands.
At an art show ages ago DH and I were strolling along looking at pictures, and all of a sudden several very obnoxious body-guard types started shooing and elbowing everyone, me included, out of the way - they were making way for Pavarotti. That attitude lowered my opinion of him quite a bit.
And my Karate instructor, who used to be a member of the Queen's Band (or some such name) in Britain was one of the trumpeters who would play the appropriate ceremonial bit when various members of royalty appeared - one day the Queen Mum walked by him and said "Well Done, Well Done!" Is that one degree of separation?
Right now I'm sitting in my peaceful rural house in the middle of nowhere, comfy in my PJs, with one of my kitties purring beside me, quite happy with my quiet relaxed lifestyle.