I had a situation occur yesterday that I have had happen once before. Called in to Wyndham Presidential Reserve to make a reservation from cancelled Pres Points.. and not touch Regular Pres Points which would be drawn from first online. Everything seemed to go fine. Next day [today], I take a look and Not only did they change the use year from Dec 2012 expiration to Sept expiration on the Reg Pres Points... but they moved 5/7ths of the 2013 Dec expiration allocation into 2012 to expire Dec 2012... then completely erased over 1.5 Million Regular Club Wyndham Plus Points from a handful of contracts from 2013 (future years)... [keep in mind, no 2013 reservations were ever made.. ever in this member #)... during the manipulation of points to reissue reg presidential points and take from cancelled presidential points... The Presidential Reserve representative completely screwed up the account. I have a high attention to detail (and have had similar situations occur in the past), called in asap this morning, and obviously I am being told it is fixed and will be reflected tomorrow online.. and it was all fault of a "system glitch" HAH! I know for a fact it is "operator error" but eh.... Just a word of caution... if you ever have a Wyndham Representative manipulate your points... take a SCREEN SHOT of your points summary that day before it updates... to see if there manipulation work is valid the next morning... has saved me one time when I had to prove their mistake... others like this example are more obvious and don't need proof.