What is your purpose?
If you tell them upfront, in good time, 50% of time it is no high pressure. 50% of time there will be one. If you go through too long with them without honest in front, I will say 90% there will be all kinds of pressure to make sure they have applied all they know on you. However, now is econimc down turn, and I am pretty sure the TS sale is slow down, and I believe you will have a decent chance to get high pressure. Some of the techique are improving. Some are pretty much stay the same.
As to lie, to explain the system very well will require at least 4 hr. To explain any system that someone has no idea what it is to they know exact what it is inside out will require 2 days or more. Any small ignore you can classify as lie. Any stuff they did not say, you can classify it as lie, any stuff they have no idea, they will have good chance to say it wrong, and you can classify it as lie. And most of them seldomly are owner, and have no idea how the system works, they are just memory what they been told, so you will very unlikely get any truth. Or you will very likely get stuff they are trained to tell you which who klnows if they actually remember right or wrong.
Unfortuantely, they will not give you a directory, or the public offering documents if you don't buy. Public offering is very bad written about the trust, you need read very hard on it. They did put some thoughts on directory, so, it does worth some reading.
Mostly they are trying to sell you some stuff, and mostly, they can not and will not try to explain the product but apply what they been trained to make a sell. That is always start with a dream vacation, beautyful pool, new room, which when they finish, will probably 40 min pass. Then the package itself, how much it cost, how great a deal it is, the potential finance, which when they finish, will be another 40 min. Then the potential of exchange with RCI, show the book of all the world resort, which when they finished, your 90 mins are up. If they think you need another package that can make you buy, it will be another 30 to 40 min. At this moment, they already spend 2 hrs on you, so next, they will send some guy that fooling around all day anyway to try close on you.
So there is no time to explain any of the product itself, and there is no need for that. They are paid to get sell, not to be a teacher.
You will know very well if you try to know their training, their main selling product (customer group), their salary structure, sale volumn, their success rate. Their regional selling VP's management style