This was a meeting of the LTRBA (licensed timeshare resale brokers association ) hosted at the Marriott Cypress Harbor Resort (kudos to marriott for providing the meeting location). In attendance were about 60 members of the LTRBA and some distinguished guests including representatives from Marriott sales, Hilton sales/resales, Westgate, and Disney. Also attending were members of various Florida Law enforcement agencies who deal with the current timeshare scams. DPBR, Atty Generals office, and even a state legislator who spoke and took questions on the proposed new Timeshare scam bill!
Sadly it was made very clear that the AG's office, as well as the other offices...that they for the most part, only pursue these scams as a CIVIL matter, and other than the FTC really have no teeth to go after these items on a criminal level. It was also made painfully obvious that the civil fines levied against these scammers is for all intents and purposes WAY less than they are making scamming people. I really feel for these individuals as I truly believe they want to shut down all of these scammers, but lack the manpower, resources, and ability to put them in jail over their crimes. (even the AG's office). Everyone agreed that education is going to be a far better solution to curbing the scams.
More on that point, it was expressed to all 4 of the developer reps that more notice needs to be given to their owners warning them against these scams! More kudos to marriott as they were far and away the most proactive in warning members with warnings against upfront fees on their website, in emails, in print mail, etc etc...they seem to have a grasp on how big this problem is and are taking steps to warn owners! Hilton claimed they have a message about upfront fee scams on their website (after you log in)...and I dont recall disney or westgate mentioning anything of the sort...but I could be wrong.
Last to speak was the state representative Eric Eisnaugle who is working on the proposed timeshare scam bill (note this is different from the arda proposed model resale act). He mentioned at length this new bill is going to be written to allow the AG's office to more easily prosecute and shut down these scammers as they pop up and rip people off. as of right now the amount of time and effort they have to put into shutting these people down gives them so much time to make a fortune, then just start up a new business name. I truly look forward to seeing this bill in its final form and hope it gets passed!
Despite this however, the LTRBA's push to have developers take a more proactive stance in EDUCATING its owners is really going to be most beneficial in terms of curbing these scams IMO. (one story the AG rep told was about a guy who was ripped off for nearly 200,000 dollars over the course of 2 years by the SAME COMPANY)...Until we truly make it common knowledge at every level in this industry that paying upfront fees to "sell" your timeshare is a HORRIBLE idea...these scammers will continue to remain well ahead of the law enforcement agencies trying to shut them down.
Big thanks to Judi Kozlowski and the rest of the LTRBA for inviting me, and putting together yet another successful meeting to allow all so many people involved with putting and end to these scams to get together and help solve the problem!
Sadly it was made very clear that the AG's office, as well as the other offices...that they for the most part, only pursue these scams as a CIVIL matter, and other than the FTC really have no teeth to go after these items on a criminal level. It was also made painfully obvious that the civil fines levied against these scammers is for all intents and purposes WAY less than they are making scamming people. I really feel for these individuals as I truly believe they want to shut down all of these scammers, but lack the manpower, resources, and ability to put them in jail over their crimes. (even the AG's office). Everyone agreed that education is going to be a far better solution to curbing the scams.
More on that point, it was expressed to all 4 of the developer reps that more notice needs to be given to their owners warning them against these scams! More kudos to marriott as they were far and away the most proactive in warning members with warnings against upfront fees on their website, in emails, in print mail, etc etc...they seem to have a grasp on how big this problem is and are taking steps to warn owners! Hilton claimed they have a message about upfront fee scams on their website (after you log in)...and I dont recall disney or westgate mentioning anything of the sort...but I could be wrong.
Last to speak was the state representative Eric Eisnaugle who is working on the proposed timeshare scam bill (note this is different from the arda proposed model resale act). He mentioned at length this new bill is going to be written to allow the AG's office to more easily prosecute and shut down these scammers as they pop up and rip people off. as of right now the amount of time and effort they have to put into shutting these people down gives them so much time to make a fortune, then just start up a new business name. I truly look forward to seeing this bill in its final form and hope it gets passed!
Despite this however, the LTRBA's push to have developers take a more proactive stance in EDUCATING its owners is really going to be most beneficial in terms of curbing these scams IMO. (one story the AG rep told was about a guy who was ripped off for nearly 200,000 dollars over the course of 2 years by the SAME COMPANY)...Until we truly make it common knowledge at every level in this industry that paying upfront fees to "sell" your timeshare is a HORRIBLE idea...these scammers will continue to remain well ahead of the law enforcement agencies trying to shut them down.
Big thanks to Judi Kozlowski and the rest of the LTRBA for inviting me, and putting together yet another successful meeting to allow all so many people involved with putting and end to these scams to get together and help solve the problem!
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