No presentation this time. Earlier in the year it was in the neighborhood of $1 a point with extra MR points and an extra week somewhere. I have not heard of any changes, but I'll let you know. I think they began selling the AP program at the JW Khao Lak as well. The Anantara is really pushing their program. Similar pricing but with fewer choices and very few two bedrooms and/or kitchens. I'm not aware of a completion date for the new villas being built across the street.
Concerning the PBC renovations, I'm told all of the rooms have been renovated. However, they are still waiting on some of the new furniture to arrive. At check-in they told us the furniture replacement is at about 90%, indicating that there are a couple of pieces of furniture in each unit that still needs replacement. Overall, a very big improvement with the refresh.
We don't venture out much concerning the restaurants. Everything here is open. It looks like some kind of Microsoft training convention is going on this week. The resort is doing a lot for Halloween (kids, buffet, costumes, etc.).
The landscaping has been upgraded with new stone paths going from the back paths into villa hallways (public walkways). These paths use a dark gray stone to indicate they are public versus a path to someone's back porch.
It also appears that they built an herb garden not far from the trapeze area.
One of our servers had been working here since the resort started. She indicated that in the beginning there were 200 employees (JW and Phase 1) and now there are over 500 employees (JW, Phase 1-3 and Mai Khao).
Last thing, the Mandara Spa is undergoing major renovations. It is still open, but uses a different entrance area.