I think the government is under reacting. Slowly each day we are being told additional suggested restrictions as well as mandated restrictions. There are still many going out to open stores that are not groceries or drug stores.
The reality is some walk around with no symptoms. I just saw an interview of a man who was on one of the cruises. His wife was in a foreign hospital due to her symptoms. He had no symptons, they decided he should come back to the US, he did but tested positive. She is finally home, and he is still testing positive and after being in a hospital they let him go home to self quarantined. He is getting another test this afternoon. Through the weeks he had no symptoms, was not sick but tested positive, so my deduction is many others are out there with no symptoms but carriers of the virus.
Unless we make it mandatory for all to stay home unless going to drug store or grocery with limitations how close we can be to each other this will keep spreading.
I personally feel it is much worse in the US then we are told. There is an article here and there that younger people are getting extremely sick.
I am not panicking. I am realistically looking at the situation and we need to over react which we as a country are still not, only doing a bit at a time. The only way you will keep people home is if things are shut and it is mandatory. From what they are saying 40% still are not believing it is so bad, including my other half. No way to keep him in as long as he is not mandated to stay home.
I realize how horrible this is financially to businesses and individuals but decisions should not consider this. Only health risks should be in the decisions. We will deal with the financial implications later while helping others that need help now.