My Sewatch Plantation deed states, "This convyance is subject to and by accepting the deed the, Greantees(s) agre(es) to assume the following: ... (4) Fairshare Vacation Ownership Assignment Agreement and the Use Restrictions and Fairshare Vacation Plan Use Management Trust Agreement and any amendments thereto ...
ARP rights are not specifically mentioned. If they are part of the deed, they would be by reference and the answer would lie in the documents cited above.
For my Towers on the Grove purchase, one of the documents provided at the time of sale was titled Club WYndham Plus Program Summary. This document defines the Home Resort as the Resort the timeshare is located at for ARP rights.
Talked to Reservations a few minutes ago, they indicated that this contract does have ARP rights to the other Myrtle Beach locations, I did not see the ARP rights to the other resorts in Myrtle Beach in the contract for Towers on the Grove. I have been told by Wynhdam a couple of times that all Myrtle Beach resorts have ARP rights into the other ones.