My son living next door left put up Christmas lights. A day later, next door to the right, my son in law put up Christmas lights. I thought their lights looked nice. I didn't think I was expected to put up lights but I was wrong. Today I did the bare minimum of what I think I can get away with. It's about 75 ft of lights, nothing blinking and on a deck rail so it's easy to remove. I've always been content to let others win plus it's easier. BUT.... things might be said and I might go Christmas light crazy again. It could happen just out of pure boredom anyway.
When we downsized and moved in 2020 we got rid of all our XMAS snd other holiday stuff and didn’t intend to decorate.
But once here we didn’t want to seem so Scrooge to our neighbors or when our son came on XMAS.
So we purchased a very short, and skinny lighted tree topped with a lighted lantern that has a “flame” in it for our front porch next to our front door.
We also bought a strand of colored lights that we scallop off our summer shades brackets on the little front porch. (shades are put away until spring).
This year one end didn’t light no matter what we did to try to fix it so we cut it off and hubby capped it plus electrical tape and up they went again. This time 3 scallops instead of 4.
We just put them up about a week ago. We aren’t lighting them until this upcoming weekend and we’ll keep the timer on until after New Years Day. Three weeks of lights on is enough. I think it’s ridiculous to rush through holidays. And I hate hearing XMAS music so far in advance. To me it should be played the week of Christmas and that’s it.
I ended up with a 4 foot folk art wooden snowman at a neighborhood Yankee Swap so I have him also on the front porch near the steps. Couldn’t disappoint the neighbor who brought this to the swap. (She is a second homeowner two doors down from our home)
No holiday decor in our home and we don’t decorate for any of the other holidays either.