These guys just called me too. Essentially, we own 4 properties, so they're telling me that I can purchase 1 "Extra Vacations" week for each property for an upcoming "golf event". I'm told I'd pay $374 per week x 4, and then I'm "guaranteed" a weekly rental for each of the 4 weeks of $1,650. "It's a win-win," i'm told, "because you get rental revenue, and we get potential buyers.".
Of course, I declined the offer, and told them that I'd never pay anything upfront (so he put me on hold, and talked to his manager audibly enough so that I could clearly hear what they were saying, and luckily, the manager gave him approval and a confirmation number to offer me the ability to pay for just 2 weeks up front!).
He reminded me that I'm leaving money on the table, and that I'm making a mistake.
What's the real game here? Taking the weeks that I paid for, renting them, and never paying me back? Anyone have stories about this company, Assured Resort Getaways"?