The people on the show are frequently already performers. Terry Fator was, for example, although he wasn't "a star." Nathan Burton, a magician who was featured in a big way on season one has an afternoon show in Vegas (and it is good). Leonid the Magnificent from the past two seasons, who made David H. so uncomfortable, performed in Beacher's Madhouse in Vegas. There was a black guy, don't remember his name, a tall, good looking one from Vegas this year (he sang contemporary music) who is actually a Chippendale's Dancer here. Donald Braswell is already a singer, or was. The Duttons from last year were already a performing family. Yet others are not performers, but do it as a hobby.
As for the staging, dancers, etc., it is much more elaborate this year than in past years. I find a lot of it a distraction actually, especially when there is a shimmering backdrop. I think the show provides it, in their (mistaken, IMHO) belief that "more is better."
This year they also have a live audience for every show, and allow them to hoot and holler out of control. I don't like that aspect at all. That might have something to do with my age, I don't know. Their demographics may have told them that the younger audiences like this...