This Friday by Order of Governor Whitmer MI we where at our lake cottage on 1 weeks Vacation where my Immune suppressed Wife is SIP for 6 weeks had to choose stay for three weeks or return home for three weeks and no travel to/from both locations. Iam still an essential employee who returns each week the comes back on weekends to shop/assist my wife so she can SIP there and stay Safe. Very upset/mad about this and so are many neighbors/friends from up there. This seems extreme and ridicules as I drive straight there no stops, remove clothing in garage and shower when I arrive to stay with only my wife. No politics here just wondering how other TUG members who own vacation/second homes are affected by this. :-/
UPDATE in new post at end of feed posts on how to bypass buying paint & garden items in MI.
Don’t even think of firing up your motor on the boat, or buy paint up there! She definitely needs to be removed from office...she can’t even fix the roads, and now is the perfect time to work on them with low traffic! Oh, and don’t even think about trying to grow your own food, buy plants or seeds, or maintain your yard...I’m sure if you have an HOA, or city ordinances on lawn height, you are in trouble, especially for those not able to do the job themselves!
I sure hope she’s out of a job by the time I finally get to move back there! (No time frame yet...finances will determine that! In VA, we are on lockdown until June 10th, but a tad less restrictive.)
I do actually legally co-own the family home in the Detroit area with my brothers, which are in ill health and live there. I’m not sure if the in home nursing care stopped for my one brother that desperately needs the help, since the other isn’t capable. I’ll hopefully find out today. ( I do have medical power of attorney over them if anything happens, but with the restrictions in place at hospitals and my distance of several states, I doubt I can do anything beyond the phone.)
I rarely go out due to my Chronic Fatigue, but when I do, I go everywhere to get everything I need done, now I feel I’m in least my hubby gets the groceries and mail. Don’t know if I can take 2 or more months of this!
Our landscapers seem to be out several times a week, and definitely not social distancing when they pile back into the truck... (they also don’t understand English)...I live in a townhouse style condo community, and I see people walking around, plus lots of cars coming and going at all hours, except this weekend is a curfew until Monday at 5am, to make sure you don’t celebrate Easter w/family!
I’m getting ready to loose my mind over the restrictions of our freedoms in this country! I say let us take our health into our own hands, just close the airports to all travel (essential or not)!
I could go on a rant forever...
Sorry about your wife.
How is anyone to know if you brought her back home? (Tell nosey neighbors, medical emergency!)
Not sure what you do for work that may harm her health if she came home and was in your airspace?
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