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Annualizing and EOY contract


TUG Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Resorts Owned
Wyndham (Bonnet Creek, Kingsgate, Ocean Blvd), Twin Rivers
I purchased an EOY contract from the developer a few years ago. At a couple owner's updates they talked about annualizing that contract. The last update I attended, I listened closely but rejected the deal. But now I'm thinking about some of the benefits. I would have to purchase an additional 105K points and I could use the equity from the 1st purchase. That makes it a little easier to swallow but its still a few thousand more than purchasing resale.

I was also thinking about acquiring possibly a 3 and 2 bedroom RCI eligible timeshare to possible PIC at the same time as developer purchase.

I like to take a long weekend trips around most Federal holidays and without my temporary VIP, I would be stuck eventually paying an arm and leg for HK credits. I have enough in credit pool to carry me through next year but I'm thinking long term. I also like the discounts and upgrades when I could get them.

I'm trying to get back to a VIP level as cheaply as possible along with eliminating EOY contracts for every year contracts. I know I should stay away from the owner's updates but every now and then you can get some useful information. I have several resale contracts so I know that is the way to go but I'm still looking at other options.

Is annualizing and EOY contract a smart move and adding contracts to PIC a good idea to reach Silver VIP?


TUG Member
Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
I purchased an EOY contract from the developer a few years ago. At a couple owner's updates they talked about annualizing that contract. The last update I attended, I listened closely but rejected the deal. But now I'm thinking about some of the benefits. I would have to purchase an additional 105K points and I could use the equity from the 1st purchase. That makes it a little easier to swallow but its still a few thousand more than purchasing resale.

I was also thinking about acquiring possibly a 3 and 2 bedroom RCI eligible timeshare to possible PIC at the same time as developer purchase.

I like to take a long weekend trips around most Federal holidays and without my temporary VIP, I would be stuck eventually paying an arm and leg for HK credits. I have enough in credit pool to carry me through next year but I'm thinking long term. I also like the discounts and upgrades when I could get them.

I'm trying to get back to a VIP level as cheaply as possible along with eliminating EOY contracts for every year contracts. I know I should stay away from the owner's updates but every now and then you can get some useful information. I have several resale contracts so I know that is the way to go but I'm still looking at other options.

Is annualizing and EOY contract a smart move and adding contracts to PIC a good idea to reach Silver VIP?

Speaking just to annualizing the points, an opposing EOY resale contract would do that, but without getting you to VIP. The question you need to resolve for yourself is whether the VIP perks are enough to justify another developer purchase.

PIC has a 3 or 5 year time limit, so you are really renting VIP status, not buying it. And Wyndham is buying that much time to sell you on more purchases.


TUG Member
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
twinsburg ohio
They willI PIC, but since you already are an owner it will only be good for about two years. I you still try, make sure in the contract it say "permanent VIP silver I presume. Also RCI is owned by Wyndham will not work.

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