I know I am beginning to become fatigued from all the shut down. Today is the first really hard day I've had since all this began though. We have been out as little as possible - curbside pick up of groceries, 3 necessary trips to HD/Lowe's, and that's been it. In normal times, we would eat out every day but we haven't had a meal out in 7 weeks (not even curbside pickup). We have been doing everything we can to protect ourselves and not spread anything to anyone else. We've stayed busy with a lot of projects around the house, making masks, etc. but most things have been completed and I'm finding I have less and less to do.
I think what is really getting to me is the fact that we were going to put our house on the market in May and as soon as it sold we were going to travel for about a year before moving back to Vegas (which we're questioning based on the uncertainty of how Vegas will recover from all this). The last 3 years we were watching over my elderly mother and literally were at home almost every day during that time. She passed away at the end of December and our plan was to get our house on the market and sold, then head out. Now that's on hold and I'm feeling the strain of that. I know it's selfish to feel that way and I'm trying very hard to just be grateful for our tremendous blessings. But, my mom's death has really messed with my head in terms of my own mortality. I'm turning 60 this year and all of a sudden I feel older than dirt. I find myself fearful that I'm never going to get to see all the things I want to see before my health goes bad or something else happens that prevents me from being able to travel and live as full a life as possible. I probably need to get my butt in therapy. LoL
JanT- you are not being selfish. You are being honest about your feelings. I can relate to where you are coming from. Although we have already sold our family home and moved to our retirement destination, I, too, feel a lot like you do. And I am sure most everyone feels at least a little bit like this as their lives have been put on hold because of this evil virus.
My husband and I made it this far 2 months in only to have the stop gate thrown in front of our faces. Each day we feel we are wasting our lives as we get older (and with no health monitoring on top of it) hanging around this tiny house.
We thought now we would finally be able to enjoy our new life in retirement. The Financial Advisor told us to splurge and enjoy ourselves. Yeah- right. How did that work out? LOL!
This may sound really morbid but I had like an epiphany the other day as I was getting more and more depressed and not sleeping at all- well- maybe that is not the right word- epiphany- but I can't think of another- that last year as we were working so hard on our moving plans thinking we were going to finally have a new life this year and everything was working out just right- but maybe God has other plans. Maybe we were really preparing for something else, not a new life; maybe death (from COVID, an economic depression, other illness, whatever). Maybe what we thought this transition was going to be is to be something else. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe our son is suppose to get our house. Or maybe we are really here to help him out now that he is laid off. I don't mean this to sound depressing. Matter of fact I started to feel better as I went through it in my mind. I actually laughed as I was painting our front door saying to myself- "I hope Alex likes yellow!". LOL!
I think that this pandemic was meant to be for a unique and individual reason for every single person on this planet. I think in the end the reasons will be revealed to each one of us individually- some good and some bad. But all it's all karmic.
I am betting it is all going to work out for you eventually. You took good care of your mom and worked hard. It's now your time. I don't know how the market is where you live but in some parts of the country real estate is selling virtually. Some people are buying homes sight unseen- just on line. Here where I live 4 houses are being built right beside us. So people are buying and selling homes, though it is certainly a little more challenging. My brother's house that he sold- the closing was done in the title company's parking lot! He was able to find a place to live and get moved in. In fact, his SIL just sold her house and moved also. And these were both on Long Island, NY just a few weeks ago!
So it is possible for you to go ahead with your plans. Skip the traveling plan for now- heck- you can't travel right now anyway- so take it out of the equation- and focus on selling your house and finding a new home. Maybe outside of Vegas or another area of Nevada. Travel can come later. Just push through. It might take longer but maybe, just maybe, it will happen. Start packing! I am rooting for you!
PS Try to get outside and in nature especially. That works for me. Yeah- we can't go to social events, theaters, restaurants, or partake of most group activities. I know I won't be able to do what I was hoping for this year- trips out on the lake on the big ship and mail boats and swimming (my dream for summers here) , etc.
Maybe set up a social distancing get together with neighbors if the weather allows. I walk each morning with a small group of people to the lake and back for an hour.We distance- though not perfectly. At least we can talk with each other in person.
I won't lie- I think we will see a Depression if things don't open up soon. But the positive spin on this is you have nothing to lose by just going for it! That is what I would do right now if I were you.