My wife and I wish to commend you on your excellent assistance for all time share owners for so many years.
Your information has been invaluable, not like so many outfits that promise to rid you of your timeshare ownership, of course for a large fee upfront. Their guarantees are useless and fraudulent. I spoke with several and found them to be very persistent and in my mind unbelievable.
It was through your advice that we as long time owners of a time share at Orange Lake Country Club were able to break away.
One of your tile suggestions was to contact the management and advise them that we wished to deed back our unit.
We had no debt with them and always paid the required fees on time, but being in our 80’s realized that we had little use for this premises in the future.
We explained this in correspondence to Orange Lake Country Club and were surprised and very happy that they agreed to the deeding back. They were prompt in sending us all the required documents by Fedex, including Fedex return materials. It couldn’t have been easier.
This came about as a result of advice we received from membership in TUG.
As we don’t travel as frequently as in the past, and with your advice, shed our obligations regarding our time share we shall be indebted to your organization eternally.
We do not wish to renew our membership but again thank you for everything you do for time share owners. Wishing you all a very pleasant 2020 and future years, and keep up the great work..
(names removed)
If only every owner was able to find TUG in time to avoid being ripped off....this industry would be a much different place!