Yeah, perhaps. Mary Ann's comment gave me a chuckle. Mary Ann being Mary Ann
Yesterday I read that maybe it was a different strain COVID19 entering the East Coast. A doctor stated there were 100 original carriers in NYC early before the SIP order. One carrier transmitted to 100 others - a super spreader as the doc called it.
On the other hand, only 8 original carriers identified in CA. 1 in less 500 cases in San Francisco today. While 1 in 46 have been infected in NYC.
I've got no reason to cast aspersions. Just trying to get a better understanding of this virus and where we are headed
I’ve heard that there is 35-40 variations of this virus and was specifically targeted in certain areas around the world.
I have a friend and his housemate/co-worker that are construction contractors on a couple military bases in NC, one in SE VA a few times, and said they think they had the virus in December.
They went strictly to the doctor (no hospital or ER visit), and the doc said pneumonia not knowing about the virus yet, but they were extremely sicker then they ever had been. Only given steroids for 10 days.
Extreme weakness for about 2 months and finally getting over the cough.
They are trying to get tested to see if they had it, but there’s usually 80 cars in front of them and enlisted get tested 1st!
They do work with transient workers, since it’s hard to get good help in the middle of nowhere! He runs the crew.
The friend is a heavy smoker (age 64), but eats 100% organic and never has had a flu shot. They also drink 150% proof vodka (NC fresh distilled), along with distilled or spring water (cooking too). The vodka is their hand sanitizer for the crew!
This virus has been around longer than we think. I’ve heard someone thinks they had it in January 2019, I do know of a couple people that were extremely sick back then.
I’m sure everyone has already seen the video w/Fauci saying when Trump got elected that he will have a surprise pandemic during his presidency!
(This is not to be political only stating about the video of Fauci saying those words! I don’t have the link.)
I hope everyone is safe & healthy!
Sure hope we can all get our lives back real soon!
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