We have young kids and have stayed extensively at both Shadow Ridge (where we own) and DSV. Our kids are 8 and 5 and there are definite differences to consider between the four different units you can stay in. Let me briefly give you my opinions and views about each one.
DSV II is where we preferred to stay when the kids were smaller. The property is very lush and the pool area very nice, with a nice kiddie pool that was important when the kids were babies. With kids in tow, the DSV II units were much preferable over DSV I because the lock off unit (where your kids will sleep) is directly connected to the main one bedroom unit, whereas in DSV I it is seperated by a foyer and the doors lock when closed (so you would have to constantly prop them open or the kids would have to always use the key). We felt very secure having the kids in the lock-off at DSV II because we could keep connecting doors open throught the night so I could easily check on them or they could get me if there was a problem. The lock off in DSV II has a kind bed and a sofa bed, so you can easily sleep 4 kids in there. These units are 1450 sq. ft.
DSV I is a bigger sqaure footage (about 1600 sq. ft), but because of the lock-off configuration, I would highly recommend against these units when traveling with young kids. Even with teens I'd be nervous because then they would have more independance than what I would like! THese lock offs have 2 queen beds and no couch.
Shadow Ridge Villages - these are the units where we own and the lock off situation is very similar to DSV II. The lock off has king bed and a sofa bed couch and is directly connected to the main unit with doors. Very nice arrangement. Shadow Ridge has a lot more to offer kids, so it is the best resort between the two properties. The MAZE activity center at Shadow Ridge is the biggest I've seen. It's huge! It has a large arcade with all kinds of games, they have two Wii stations in the main room and they have a large movie theater all their own! It's really fantastic. Now that the Enclaves section is open, there are many fun things for the kids to do at the pool areas. Both pool areas have splash zones and the Villages pool has a pool slide. Units are 1250 sq. feet. Some of the buildings are currently being renovated with all new surfaces, so if you stay here, request a newly remodeled unit. We are going in June and will reqeust this.
Enclaves - we've seen these units although we haven't stayed in one yet. They are very modern with very nice appointments throughout, but I have some real issues with these units. First, they are the smallest out of all the units. At 1100 sq. feet, they are really pushing the bounds with how small can we make a two bedroom unit! There is zero privacy between the family room and master bedroom, with just a multi-pocket door situation, not a solid wall. They have eliminated an actual dining room and just t-boned a dining table up to the galley kitchen. This irritated my when I saw it. The lock off unit was nice with a king bed and sofa bed, but the main family room felt itty-bitty. Even with just two kids, the place would feel cramped. The pool area is very nice, although smaller than the Villages pool, but you have complete use of all pool areas once you are there, so you have a lot of variety.
I love both properties, but for your family, staying at Shadow Ridge in the 2 bedroom villages unit would be the best fit, IMHO!
Please feel free if you have any specific questions or would like building recommendations at either resort.