I was contacted recently by a guy that I have rented to in the past asking whether I had something for the same event again this year. I said yes and gave him my price of $900 And he objected.. or rather, began negotiating
He wanted to know why it was so much more this year. Last year at the last minute he only paid $650. My come back was this… 1) my price is the same as last year. But we aren’t at the last minute yet and I haven’t posted my “last minute sale price” 2) and you are mistaken about what you paid last year, in fact it was $750. 3) Its early enough that Im not going to offer any last minute pricing yet, but I will discount 10% for a repeat customer. I offered a one bedroom for $900 instead of $1050 and a studio (like last year) for $800 and then I said: this is my final offer, if you can’t accept it, you are free to take your chances and wait for the last minute… and by the way I intend to try something new this year and raise my prices for anything left at the last minute
so he comes back and says ok he will take the One bedroom for $800…..
now Im getting upset. First he makes a “mistake” about what he paid last year and then in one sentence says Yes he will accept one of my offers, and at the same time under bids it
heres where Im getting upset with the whole thing, I think he knew full well what he paid last year and lied about it, expecting I wouldn’t remember or look it up. And then he continues to negotiate after Ive presented my final offer like Im not serious about this stuff. That just pisses me off
He doesn’t know Im upset, I just apologized for not being clear and restated my offer 1 bed=900 or studio =800, but if he doesn’t accept one or the other Im done, he can sleep somewhere else.
So Im not asking for suggestions here. Right or Wrong, I know what Im going to do, This is just a rant… thanks for listening
He wanted to know why it was so much more this year. Last year at the last minute he only paid $650. My come back was this… 1) my price is the same as last year. But we aren’t at the last minute yet and I haven’t posted my “last minute sale price” 2) and you are mistaken about what you paid last year, in fact it was $750. 3) Its early enough that Im not going to offer any last minute pricing yet, but I will discount 10% for a repeat customer. I offered a one bedroom for $900 instead of $1050 and a studio (like last year) for $800 and then I said: this is my final offer, if you can’t accept it, you are free to take your chances and wait for the last minute… and by the way I intend to try something new this year and raise my prices for anything left at the last minute
so he comes back and says ok he will take the One bedroom for $800…..
now Im getting upset. First he makes a “mistake” about what he paid last year and then in one sentence says Yes he will accept one of my offers, and at the same time under bids it
heres where Im getting upset with the whole thing, I think he knew full well what he paid last year and lied about it, expecting I wouldn’t remember or look it up. And then he continues to negotiate after Ive presented my final offer like Im not serious about this stuff. That just pisses me off
He doesn’t know Im upset, I just apologized for not being clear and restated my offer 1 bed=900 or studio =800, but if he doesn’t accept one or the other Im done, he can sleep somewhere else.
So Im not asking for suggestions here. Right or Wrong, I know what Im going to do, This is just a rant… thanks for listening