I have a bigger problem with guilt if I am home and avoiding chores.
Sunday football is a good example. I think I heard weeds growing taller and leaves mocking me on their fall from the trees yesterday. I wasn't working and I wasn't outside.
But on vacation? no guilt. not with work. not with family. not with house/chores.
I EARN vacation time while I'm in the workforce; I am entitled to it, and I am entitled to enjoy it. which I do a lot more now that vacation doesn't mean cleaning out the garage or helping a friend move. I would still have crappo vacations were it not for timeshares. I feel that I'm worth it.
It's a time to really recharge, even if that means sleeping late and not moving off the balcony all day.
It will probably be even sweeter when I'm retired because I likely won't be so run down to need to catch up on sleep.
I would feel only a little guilty if I didn't see/do/etc all I planned to in a foreign country, but I'm not a big scheduler, not interested in filling every day, every hour, having an agenda, so my list is usually attainable. I go with hazy plans of seeing this and doing that. It comes together or it doesn't, no stress, no guilt. I hit as much as is reasonable and don't beat myself up for not running myself ragged. If I'm not relaxed and enjoying it, then it isn't worth it.
I travel domestically most of the time, so, No Problem!
I do miss my dog a lot when I'm gone, but I always make sure she is with someone that she and I both trust, so it's kind of like "camp" for her. No guilt!
Guilt leads to drama, and I don't need that in my life.