You can call 13 months in advance with any combination of multiple weeks as long as you plan to reserve (on that call) two separate weeks that you own for consecutive weeks (e.g., for weeks 4 and 5 in 2010) or concurrent weeks (e.g., both weeks for week 4 in 2010). However, you must be reserving in seasons that you own.
Example: If you own two weeks (whether EOY and/or annual) in seasons that allow you to reserve them in January-February 2010, you could do it. But if your EOY week was for odd years, you couldn't call to reserve those example weeks 4 and 5 in 2010 because you aren't entitled to a 2010 week with that odd-years EOY.
Similarly, if you own two EOY weeks for even years, you could call as I have outlined. But if one is for odd years and the other is for even years the only way you could call 13 months in advance would be if your seasons included weeks 1 and 52.