I just posted about this in the lounge. I will copy and paste to here.
Consumer Reports Timeshare Article
Just going through my magazine and there is a positive article regarding time sharing and how it is a "savvy vacation strategy".
Medium age of new owners is 39, with half having children. Medium age of all owners is 51.
I do not subscribe to the online edition, so I can't give you a link.
The one thing that always annoys me about these articles is that they always describe fixed weeks as being nonexchangeable, which of course, is not true.
The article also shows how ownership is a better value over time as compared with vacationing every year in hotels and so forth.
They mention how to not buy on impulse and to sleep on it, etc. They also talk about rescission periods.
They also have a section about slashing costs in the resale market. and mention renting as well.
They also mention how when it is time to get rid of them not to expect your money back, that the enjoyment was from the usage. They do mention Timeshare Exit team, but explain the costs involved with that.
I was pleasantly surprised as I was expecting to read about the pitfalls of timeshares and how to stay away from them, but this article was not like that at all.
Overall a pretty good article.