As I indicated previously I was going to attend the HVVS annual mtg. The following are my notes concerning that mtg.
I was surprised that the mtg lasted only about an hour. They handed out an agenda and quickly dispensed with the business of the association. A quorum was present so the mtg. Was able to proceed. Two directors were elected. One existing - Wendy Shinbori, and a new director, Bruce Christensen. From what I can tell and in side conversations with three directors I don't think anyone has any significant affiliation with the Hilton. After the perfunctory business was dispensed with Henry Perez, General Mgr gave a presentation re: the ongoing renovation projects. There were no hand outs so my notes are very cryptic: in 2015 they have completed the renovation of the washer and dryers and the elevator cars. They are currently in the process of renovating the lobby and in the lobby have three samples of the complete room renovations that will take place this year. The planned renovation will close three floors at a time. I asked if they had considered installing wood floors. The bldg. is not suitable for wood floors.
They also have plans for a renovation of the Village itself. They will install a zip line but it won't be called a zip line. It's going to be a Coconut line...... Much more refined and slower,,, less dangerous.
Next speaker was Randy Piatt, head of the HGVC in Orlando.
The objective of the Club is to have 50 new club members everyday. 11% of member base is elite.
Re other properties:
Tuscany is very successful and very difficult to book
Scotland is also very successful but a little easier to get into.
They have acquired or are bldg. a new facility in Hilton Head. To be finished in late 2016.
Planning a 2nd property in Park City.
Something about Phase III inKingsland with 800 units. I think this is at completion. Not sure.
There is going to be a new timeshare on Maui. Sometime in 2017.
Next speaker was our attorney re: the on going law suit. Nothing really to report, it's still ongoing.
Misc: 97.8% occupancy in Lagoon Tower. Hilton has a customer satisfaction tracking system and they have to reach 60% satisfaction. When that is reached Henry Perez and some of the staff will shave their heads.
Re: Phyliss's email: The board had received it and the directors I talked to wer very concerned that this could happen. I told Phyliss's that in open session I brought up the subject of this email and the Pres. I don't think wanted the rest of the audience to be made aware of its existence, although stating that Henry Perez is preparing a respond to Phyliss.
Im tired writing so I'll sign off for now and my iPad is dying.
I was surprised that the mtg lasted only about an hour. They handed out an agenda and quickly dispensed with the business of the association. A quorum was present so the mtg. Was able to proceed. Two directors were elected. One existing - Wendy Shinbori, and a new director, Bruce Christensen. From what I can tell and in side conversations with three directors I don't think anyone has any significant affiliation with the Hilton. After the perfunctory business was dispensed with Henry Perez, General Mgr gave a presentation re: the ongoing renovation projects. There were no hand outs so my notes are very cryptic: in 2015 they have completed the renovation of the washer and dryers and the elevator cars. They are currently in the process of renovating the lobby and in the lobby have three samples of the complete room renovations that will take place this year. The planned renovation will close three floors at a time. I asked if they had considered installing wood floors. The bldg. is not suitable for wood floors.
They also have plans for a renovation of the Village itself. They will install a zip line but it won't be called a zip line. It's going to be a Coconut line...... Much more refined and slower,,, less dangerous.
Next speaker was Randy Piatt, head of the HGVC in Orlando.
The objective of the Club is to have 50 new club members everyday. 11% of member base is elite.
Re other properties:
Tuscany is very successful and very difficult to book
Scotland is also very successful but a little easier to get into.
They have acquired or are bldg. a new facility in Hilton Head. To be finished in late 2016.
Planning a 2nd property in Park City.
Something about Phase III inKingsland with 800 units. I think this is at completion. Not sure.
There is going to be a new timeshare on Maui. Sometime in 2017.
Next speaker was our attorney re: the on going law suit. Nothing really to report, it's still ongoing.
Misc: 97.8% occupancy in Lagoon Tower. Hilton has a customer satisfaction tracking system and they have to reach 60% satisfaction. When that is reached Henry Perez and some of the staff will shave their heads.
Re: Phyliss's email: The board had received it and the directors I talked to wer very concerned that this could happen. I told Phyliss's that in open session I brought up the subject of this email and the Pres. I don't think wanted the rest of the audience to be made aware of its existence, although stating that Henry Perez is preparing a respond to Phyliss.
Im tired writing so I'll sign off for now and my iPad is dying.