Yes. It does say that it was for expenses incurred in 2007,2008 & 2009. If you go on & go on the Royal Holiday Forum, Spence posted a copy of the letter. You can read exactly what it says.
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Is anyone surprised? Here's what I got back from the vendor "After speaking to the resort, this is a 2009 special assessment. Per your contract, you are responsible for the 2009 fees. Please let me know if you have any additional questions."
Do the letters received by most of you specifically say 2007, 2008 and 2009?
Yes it says 2007, 2008, 2009. Obvously anticipating shortfalls for 2009.
I recently closed on one contract and have another closing now. The seller agreed to pay the assessment for each, in order to provide these as free and clear for a first use year of 2009.
This is not a 2009 Special Assessment. It was prepared and billed in 2008.
I have to tell you, I find this SA very disturbing in these tough economic times. The SA itself does not concern me, but the apparent urgency for the payment troubles me.
I bought my weeks cheap and feel I have well gotten my money's worth, but I am sitting on the phone waiting to shell out my SA and maintainance fees. Wanting the money on such short notice makes me speculate that they are really in dire need of the money to maintain even basic operations. Pure speculation, of course....I ahve no basis on which to justify, but I just don't like it!
Feeling a little nervous about RHC for the first time in almost 10 years!
I have loved this membership, although now that my kids are vey young and we travel a little less ( and differently), I am not using it as much. I end up renting out my points alot and rolling them forward.
Cheryl....just thinking out loud and killing time while on hold....
I have gotten my resale purchase price back many times over...I just shelled out my SA... to me it is .. what's to worry... even if they go belly up .. I am whole... I just don[t want to be the one that tips them over the edge... I would rather lose my SA.. Ben
Don't look now, but what happened to the RHC website. My search engine says the address could not be found!!!?? Is this just a glich or is something else going on? Ben