I am glad to have TUG as a place to clarify what is going on! I too have had an outrageous offer to buy my timeshare in Mexico.
Any updates on this program? I agree it sounds like a scam. I would like to communicate with someone about timeshares! I would like to take action on either selling mine or learning how to exchange it for other places of interest to me.
Any advice is very much appreciated!!
MCM, Welcome to TUG. First any outfit who cold calls you and says they have a buyer is outright lying. There are just too many TSs being offered free or dirt cheap for anyone to need to hire a broker to fine one for sale. Red flag! Next red flag: anyone who wants upfront money. Then they are not only lying, but scamming as well.
OK, so now to your questions. Which is it, do you want to sell yours, or do you want to learn about exchanges? As far a selling, Mexican TSs have little or no value in today's market. To see what ones like yours sell for, sign on to eBay, enter your TS in the search window. When it return some, look down the left side for 'Completed Auctions'. Click there and it will tell you what units like yours have sold for. Don't be surprised if it is a low number- and that some auctions closed with no bids. It can be listed for sale, rented or given away here on TUG.
So that brings us to exchanging. Which exchange company does your resort exchange with? Probably RCI, or II, which are the largest. You will have to be member of that exchange. Then they will have a website that will show you what resorts you can exchange into. Generally, you make a reservation at your home resort (choose a 'good' school holiday or summer week) then 'deposit' it with the exchange (call them for details on how), then select away from units eligible (similar size, season, quality) as yours.
Best wishes, look around TUG. Today, since timeshares have little monetary value, their true value is in their use in providing great vacations for your family.
Jim Ricks