If you haven't noticed,you ARE on the open for everyone site.Kelly&Sean,
It sounds like this web-site is fishing for names to add to the list of concerned owners. If transparency is important why are they creating a members only site? Why not just make it open to anyone who wants to see what is going on- then they can opt for their name to be added to the list?
Where is the big law-suit that was supposedly being filed on behalf of the owners? There was much talk of this months ago and now nothing has happened. I gave up reading this thread because nothing new ever comes along and this just sounds like more of the same. Efforts that would ensure that the building is sound and that future expense would therefore be kept at a minimum would be more prudent.
What is wrong with a private site for owners since it serves one purpose and that is for the benefit of the owners without outsider agendas.
Your choice.If you're an owner you have a right to the info, if not,you get plenty of info right here.
Criticise through knowledge not speculation.