I am kind of confused, because the sales people told my friend that if they buy the second week 7 at timberlodge Marriott, they can have the 13th month advantage and somehow get a week at thanksgiving in Maui.
And I know that you can only use the 13th week advantage at the resorts you own!
I am pretty sure there is a rule for season overlap, because I remember hearing about that at one of the presentations, and I also saw someting here on the board. Anyway, the sales rep will say anything for you to buy this days. They do have however some good deals on weeks which are not available for resale.
First, like I said, I don't know if different rules apply to a Platinum Plus week than apply to a Platinum week.
If I'm wrong here I really hope somebody who owns a Platinum Plus or at Timber Lodge will correct me.
Maybe your friends were mixing up two different things the salesperson was saying? For instance, if they bought another Platinum Plus Week 7 at Timber Lodge, they would have the 13-month advantage to book those two same weeks concurrently. AND, if they did book those two weeks, then they could deposit one of them to try for an exchange to Maui at Thanksgiving? I would think that a Platinum Plus February week at Timber Lodge would have the trade power to pull a Maui Thanksgiving week. But whatever they choose to try to reserve at the 13-month mark, it is subject to availability because 50% of the available inventory is held back for the 12-month mark, and, exchanges are dependent upon the week that you want to exchange into being deposited by another owner.
Adding another dimension, you're correct that seasons can overlap which can impact how the 13-month advantage can be used at different resorts. For example, in your
other thread you indicated that your friends' second purchase may be a Maui which has different calendars depending on what is purchased - a fixed or a floating week. IF they purchase a floating week, there is a Platinum season of Weeks 1-50. Looking at both calendars, the 13-month advantage could be used in that case if they book Week 7 at both Timber Lodge and Maui OR Week 6 at Maui and Week 7 at Timber Lodge OR Week 7 at Timber Lodge and Week 8 at Maui. The only option with any of those to get Thanksgiving week is to deposit one week and request an exchange. (However, they could reserve, subject to availability, at the 12-month marks their owned Week 7 at Timber Lodge and a floating Thanksgiving week at Maui.)
[Edit:] Timber Lodge also has lockout usage which throws yet another log into this fire. Hopefully whoever shows up here to agree with or correct what I've written, will also be able to address lockouts because I'm totally clueless there.